Lavender(Lavendula officinale) Planet: Mercury Element: Air Powers: Love, Protection, Sleep, Chastity, Longevity, Purification, Happiness, Peace 
Lavender is a traditional cottage garden plant. Its gray-green spikes of foliage and purple flowers provide color all year. Since the Middle Ages, the dried flowers have been one of the main ingredients of potpourri. Fresh sprigs are included in herbal bunches known as tussie mussies, which have been used for hundreds of years to mask unpleasant odors and ward off illness Lavender prefers a sunny location and light, dry, well-drained soil. It is an ideal plant for a large rock garden. To plant in the traditional way, select a sunny, well drained site that affords protection from winter winds. Unless youre in a frost free climate, stick with lavenders and lavandins which winter well unless they are abused with poor drainage or frost heave. Lavenders can be started from seed but it is far easier to buy plants or do cuttings. The fragrant leaves andflowers can be used fresh in salads and fruit dishes, or added to cooked sauces, candies and baked goods. When dried they are used in jellies.Lavender is grown primarily for the oil in its flowers, which is widely used as a fragrance in perfumes and cosmetic products and to flavor beverages and baked goods. Flower water is a skin toner useful for speeding cell renewal and is an antiseptic for acne. Flower tea treats anxiety, headaches, flatulence, nausea, dizziness, and halitosis. The essential oil is a highly valued perfume and healer. It is antiseptic, mildly sedative, and painkilling. It is applied to insect bites, and treats burns, sore throats and headaches. Queen Elizabeth I is said to have consumed up to 10 cups of lavender water a day to relieve migraines. The oil is used for intestinal gas, migraine, and dizziness. Being antiseptic, lavender is added to healing salves. A tea of the leaf allays nausea and vomiting. Use two teaspoons per cup of water and steep for twenty minutes. The dose is one-fourth cup four times a day. Steep lavender blossoms in white wine and strain to make a natural antidepressant beverage. Lavender and rose petal vinagar is applied to the temples and brow to ease headache. Lavender oil is added to footbaths, eases toothaches and sprains, and is used as a rub for hysteria and palsy. Lavender is strewn into bonfires at Midsummer as an offering to the Gods and Goddesses. An ingredient of love spells, its scent is said to attract men. Lavender in the home brings peace, joy and healing. The essential oil is included in health; love; peace; and conscious mind-oriented formulas. Use to attract love; to produce sleep by anointing your forehead and pillow; to purify by adding to baths and to promote chastity and peace. Attracts elves, burn for purification, peace. Burn at Litha as an offering. Love; Psychic Awareness; Happiness; Creative Work; Money and Business; Anointing; Exorcism; Harmony; Peace; Healing. The odor of lavender is conducive to long life and so should be smelled as often as possible. Lavender Cookies 2 eggs 1/2 cup margarine 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon lavender leaves 1 1/2 cups flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt confectioner's sugar rosewater Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Put eggs, margarine, sugar and lavender into blender and run on low until well mixed. Sift flour, baking powder and salt into a mixing bowl. Add other ingredients and stir until well blended. Drop dough a teaspoon at a time onto ungreased cookie sheets. Bake until lightly browned. Blend enough rosewater into the confectioners sugar to make a smooth frosting. Ice the cookies and let them set until frosting is firm.
Lavender Honey Provided by JaCyn Lavender Farm Ingredients 8oz Light Honey (such as clover honey) 4 tablespoons of Dried Lavender buds Directions Heat honey in double boiler till fully heated add lavender and stir Continue over heat for 30 minutes Remove from heat and allow to partially cool Place in sun for 3 hours (optional) Strain out lavender Put honey in jar Comments Different varieties of lavender will cause variations in flavor. Varying the amount of lavender will change the intensity of flavor. Heating for too long can release a more acrid oil into the honey in some lavender varieties. http://www.lavenderfarms.com/info/recipes.htm
Lavender Custard Provided by JaCyn Lavender Farm Ingredients 1.5 cups milk (you can use fat-free) 1 Tablespoon lavender leaves 3 Tablespoons Sugar 2 Teaspoons Corn Starch 2 Eggs, beaten Directions In a double boiler bring milk and lavender leaves to boil Cover and let stand for 15-20 minutes. Strain and set aside Stir together sugar and corn starch in a medium saucepan Slowly add strained milk. Keep stirring and cook until bubbly and thickening Away from pan add 1/2 cup of hot mixture to eggs, stir and add to saucepan Cook for another 3 minutes. Comments Can be served hot or cold. If serving cold chill quickly by placing pan in ice water, stir while cooling then refrigerate Lavender Lemonade 1 pint water 1 oz lavender flowers (wt.) 8 oz sugar (wt.) Juice of 4 lemons Pour boiling water over the lavender flowers and allow to infuse for about 20 minutes. Then add sugar and lemon juice, and chill. Store in the 'fridge.To make up, mix about 1 part of the syrup to 4 parts water, serve with ice.
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Lavender Jelly Provided by Cedarbrook Herb Farm Ingredients 2 cups lavender infusion 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice 4 cups sugar 1 3oz envelope of liquid pectin Lavender food coloring (optional) Directions Combine infusion, lemon juice and sugar Bring to full boil stirring constantly add pectin boil 1 minute stirring constantly Remove from heat and add food coloring Pour into jars and seal Comments Jelly can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a month. To store longer process jars in a water bath for 5 minutes after sealing with canning lids.
Lavender Biscuits 5 oz butter (wt.) 4 oz fine sugar (wt.) 1 egg 6 oz self raising flour (wt.) 1 tablespoon lavender flowers Cream the butter and sugar, mix in the beaten egg, then mix in the flowers and flour. Place small heaps on a greased baking tray and bake at 350F/170C for about 15-20 minutes. 
Lavender Sponge Cake 5 oz self raising flour (wt.) 3 oz butter (wt.) 3 oz lavender sugar (wt.) 1/4 cup milk 2 beaten eggs Cream the butter and sugar until fluffy, then beat in the eggs one at a time. Fold in the flour. Pour the mixture into two 7" sponge tins. Bake at 17C/325F for about 10 - 15 minutes until just browned. Sandwich together with raspberry jelly, or else with lavender buttercream made by creaming 3 oz butter with 3 oz lavender sugar and a few drops of lemon juice. Lavender Ice Cream 14 oz Milk 3 oz Lavender leaves and flowers 2 oz Crystallized ginger, chopped 1 c Sugar 3 Egg yolks 2 c Heavy whipping cream, cold Lavender flowers for garnish In a saucepan, slowly heat milk to approximately 200 F. Remove from fire and add lavender. Allow to steep for 15 minutes. Strain milk through cheesecloth while warm. Add crystallized ginger and sugar to milk. Place egg yolks into a small bowl; then put half the mixture from saucepan into the bowl to blend. Stir mixture with a spoon and pour back into the saucepan. Place over low heat and cook until mixture is approximately 200 F. Add 2 cups cold heavy whipping cream and place into refrigerator until well chilled. Process in any ice cream machine. During the last few minutes of ice cream processing, sprinkle in individual lavender flowers stripped from lower heads. Makes 1 quart.
Lavendar Bubble Bath by Belinda Mooney 1 bunch Lavender 1 large bottle clear organic shampoo 5 drops oil of Lavender Clean wide-neck jar with screw top Place Lavender head down in the jar. Cut down to fit. Add shampoo and Lavender oil. Close and place in sunny window (sorry if you are not in a place the sun reaches this time of year! I am lucky enough to be in California.) for 2-3 weeks and shake occasionally. Strain and re-bottle. Use 1 tbsp in a bath.
Lavender Mineral Bath 1/2 cup solar dried sea salts 1/4 cup epsom salts 1/4 cup dead sea mineral salts 40 drops lavender EO Mix all ingredients well (adding EO last) store in a glass jar or tin and use 1/4 cup per bath! Lovely Lavender Oat Mask 1/2 c. ground whole oatmeal 6 drops lavender essential oil Mix all well. I recommend that you add the essential oil before you grind the oats in a blender or food processor. You can add up to 12 drops per mix if you like a stronger fragrance mask. Lavender is great for the skin and one of the most 'safe' of the essential oils to use directly on the skin. This recipe is great because you can cater to your skin type. For each mask you will need 2 tablespoons of your mix. Normal skin type: add enough whole milk to make a thick paste Oily skin type: add enough water to make a thick paste Dry skin type: Add whole fresh cream to make a thick paste. Smooth mask over the whole face avoiding the eye area. Leave on for 20 minutes then rinse. Rinsing is easiest when you use a warm cloth to soak and soften the mask before gently removing the mask. Fresh and clean was never so natural and so fun!!!

A wish divination Place lavendar under your pillow, while thinking of your wish, before bed. If you dream of anything relating to your wish, it will come true. If you do not dream of anything relating to your wish, it will not manifest. Lavender Wands 19 fresh lavender stalks, cut as long as possible 4 feet of ¼ ribbon Strip leaves from lavender stalks. Tie stalks together just below heads. Holding flower heads in your fist, bend stems down from the point where they are tied back over flower heads. Secure stalks temporarily with a rubber band. Stalks should be evenly spaced and form a little cage around flowers. With ribbon at top of cage, drop one end of ribbon through cage and let it hang. Take the other end of ribbon and, starting at the top of cage, weave ribbon in and out through stalks until flowers are completely enclosed. Remove rubber band. Wrap ribbon around stems several times and then, using both ends of ribbon, tie a knot and a bow. Trim ends of the ribbon and stalks to even lengths. White Goddess Milk Bath 1 c cornstarch 2 c dried milk powder 1/8 tsp fragrance oil Combine dry ingredients in food processor and blend. Add oil and blend again. Add 1/2 cup to bath water Flowery Love Bath 3 Tbs. Lavender 3 Tbs. Palmarosa 1 Drop Rose Bathe in this to attract love and to expand your ability to give and receive love |