Merry Meet, Since we have already observed Mays full moon. We have decided to go ahead with an article on full moon information but do Junes moon instead. We celebrate the Sacred Marriage of the God and Goddess - the Sun and the Moon. This is the time when opposites attract, dualities become one and balance and harmony abound. Dark balances Light, Heat balances harmony in yourself and in all things. Create an Altar of roses and honor the beauty of nature. See how things are growing! The old has died away to make room for the new . Send flowers to your mother. Hike to the top of a mountain. Bask in the warmth of summer and take time for yourself, relax. Perhaps a moonlit walk by the sea to gather sacred seashells. Make an ocean amulet necklace for one you love. A time of great bloom, of warmth and strawberries and beauty. The Light half of the year at its peak. Traditionally a time for weddings in some traditions. It is the time to seek balance between our spiritual and physical desires. A traditional time of beginnings, many marriages take place during this month. Let there be beauty strength, power and compassion, honor and humility, mirth and reverence, within you." Plan a ritual to balance your spiritual and physical desires.

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Cast Circle and Call Quarter according to your tradition Invocation: Hail, Lord and Lady Mother Earth and Father Sun I celebrate your joining on this night of this Lover's moon where two is always one Allow your polarity and presence in this humble circle and I am forever blessed! Light one black candle to absorb all negatives and one white candle to attract all positives Say:This is the balance I seek in life, within and without, above and below! meditate on all the things you need to balance within your own body, life, and spirit make an offering of cakes and ale My thanks, Lord and Lady I leave you to your peace! Close quarters Open circle