Herb of the monnth is a regular feature of "THE COTTAGE" Violet Planet-Venus Element-Water Violet in a pillow will help ease headaches away. Carrying the flowers brings a change in luck, and mixed with lavendar makes a powerful love sachet. Violet absorbs ill-will and evil spells. Irish healing waters spell Take equal parts of lavender, violet, and rosemary. Empower them and then boil them in a pot with about a quart of water over medium heat. When the water is richly colored and the herbs are scenting your kitchen, drain the water off into a jar. A plain coffee filter works great for this. Place the jar in sunlight for an entire day to absorb the radiant energies of the sun. *you can do this on a Wednesday to add the healing powers of mercury to the spell* Occasionally look at the jar and add your own energies to it. Just before sundown fetch the jar and hold it firmly between your hands just below your naval. Feel your desire to be well filling the jar and with your minds eye see it glowing brightly as the sun. Chant these words until you have filled the jar with as much energy as it will hold. By the herb and by the sun wellness and I are now as one strengthening energies now are merged. Baneful energies now be purged Anoint spots where illness lurks or on your belly if you are unsure where the source of discomfort lies. Or pour contents into bath water.

These sweet scented flowers always remind me of Spring.Many cultures, primarily the Celts and the Germans, celebrate the arrival of springtime at the first sighting of violets. The Germans further celebrate this event with dancing and drinking of May wine, a concoction made of wine, herbs and of course violets. Throughout the years people have used violets for medicinal purpose, usually in the form of a tea taken internally.In Pakistan, it is drunk to increase sweating and thus reduce fever. It is also reputed to relieve anxiety, insomnia and reduce high blood pressure. In the 17th century throat lozenges, made with violet conserve, were used to treat bronchitis, as well as to combat sinus congestion. Violet sugar was a popular staple in apothecaries of the time. This was used to treat consumption. These treatments worked because of the antibacterial properties of the blossoms. In addition, they contain vitamin C and A, and an aspirin like compound. For external treatments, violets were mixed with vinegar to make liniments. These were used to relieve gout, and to ease liver and spleen problems. The Celts were known to steep violets petals in goats milk to make a facial treatment aimed at improving ones complexion. When violets are used in the kitchen, it is their candied form that most of us are familiar with. In the Victorian times these were so popular that they were often served as a confection for high tea. They were also used to garnish cakes, pastries, flans and puddings. These days people tend to use the fresh petals more than the candied ones. I love to add them to chilled soups (they are especially striking on creamy spring pea soup). Try adding them just before serving to a salad of fresh spring greens. Not only do they add rich color, but a delicious floral taste as well. I will often use Johnny-Jump-ups in addition to the violets. They, along with pansies, are part of the violet family. Their flavor and perfume is not as strong as those of the violets, but their vivid colors, and contrasting face-like patterns transform a plan salad into a delightful treat. Violets are also used to add deep color and perfumed taste to jellies, jams, and liqueurs. Commercially available violet water can be used to add that floral quality to cakes, tea breads, ices, and poached fruit. The garden is where violets truly shine. Being a perennial, you can enjoy them year after year, in rock gardens, pots, borders and formal gardens, almost anywhere there is rich, moist soil, full sun (partial shade in very hot regions) and good drainage.

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 VIOLET JELLY from Karen Garner 8 cups fresh violet blossoms* 31/2 cups boiling water 1 pkg pwdered pectin 1/2 cup fresh lemon juice 4 cups sugar Rinse and drain blossoms; place in a glass bowl. Pour boiling water over them and let set 2 hours, stirring occasionally. Strain and reserve violet water, press with a spatula to extract all possible color. Discard blossoms. Measure violet liquid; add water to equal 31/2 cups(color will be blue-green). Stir in pectin and lemon juice(liquid will turn a lovely violet color). Pour into a stainless steel pot and bring to a rolling boil. Add sugar and return to a rolling boil . Boil 1 minute. Remove from heat; skim foam if any, and ladle into hot jars. Process in boiling water bath 5 min. Yield: 5 half-pints * may use pansy blossoms as well, be sure all blossoms are from plants untreated with pesticides or weedkillers. HOW TO PROPERLY PICK, WASH AND STORE VIOLET BLOSSOMS AND LEAVES FOR CULINARY USE 1. TAKE colander or basket from salad spinner to garden. 2. PICK blossoms or leaves with ust 1/4" stem and place into container. 3. BRING container into kitchen and run cool water from the faucet over blossoms or leaves while picking out dirt, twigs, etc. 4. PLACE cool water into a bowl and set container with rinsed blossoms or leaves into bowl. Allow container to stay in bowl for 15 minutes. 5. REMOVE container from bowl and shake off excess water. If using the basket or salad spinner, place basket with washed blossoms or leaves into salad spinner and spin dry. If using a colander, wrap a terry cloth tea towel around it and shake off excess water. 6. PLACE clean dry terry cloth tea towel on table. Put washed blossoms or leaves on one end of towel. Bring other end of towel over washed blossoms or leaves and pat dry. 7. PLACE washed and dried off blossoms or leaves into plastic air tight containers or into zip-lock plastic bags and place into the refrigerator. They will keep well refrigerated for several weeks. Check periodically for build-up of water on the inside of container and wipe dry if needed. * * * * Do not wash and store blossoms and leaves all together. Wash and store blossoms or leaves in separate containers. how to candy flowers 1.Using either the basket of a salad spinner or colander, place blossoms in a container and rinse with cool water. Then place the container with blossoms in a bowl of cool water for 15 minutes. Drain water. Spin dry or wrap a tea towel around the colander and shake blossoms until dry 2.Spread a small layer of drying material in the assemblage box. Add flowers, more drying material, a second layer of flowers and more drying material. Close box and do not disturb for 24 hours. 3.After 24 hours, separate drying material from flowers using the plastic grid supplied with the assemblage kit. Dried blossoms stored in plastic bags or metal containers will keep for one year in a refrigerator or freezer. 4.To candy, hold blossom by quarter-inch stem and squeeze a bead of candying gel on center of flower. Spread gel with feather pastry brush. Place candied blossoms on plastic grid and allow to dry 15 to 30 minutes. Sprinkle with sugar if desired Vyolette (Violet Pudding) Original Recipe from Harleian MS 279: Vyolette. Take Flourys of Vyolet, boyle hem, presse hem, bray hem smal, temper hem vppe with Almaunde mylke, or gode Cowe Mylke, a-lye it with Amyndoun or Flowre of Rys; take Sugre y-now, an putte žer-to, or hony in defaute; coloure it with že same žat že flowrys be on y-peyntid a-boue. Modern Recipe: Violet Pudding 2 C violet petals, trimmed and rinsed 1 C water 1 1/2 C unstrained almond milk 2 T rice flour 4 tsp sugar 1/4 tsp saffron, optional 1. In a saucepan, bring water to a boil. Stir in violet petals, return to the boil, stirring constantly, for one minute. Drain the petals in a sieve, and press out as much water as possible. 2. On a cutting board, finely mince the boiled petals, and mash them to a paste. 3. In a saucepan, over medium heat, bring almond milk to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer, stirring frequently, for two minutes. Stir in mashed petals. Stir in rice flour, a bit at a time, Stir in sugar and saffron. Continue to simmer and stir for five minutes. Serve in individual small bowls. Serves four. Metric, Celsius, & Gas Mark Equivalencies ____________________ Notes on the Recipe: This recipe gives choices for just about every ingredient. I chose almond milk and rice flour because I had almond milk I needed to use up, and happened to have rice flour on hand. The "flowrys y-peyntid aboue" mentioned in the original recipe refer to the previous recipe, and were painted with saffron or sandlewood. Why anyone would further color this lovely lavender pudding with yellow or red is beyond me. Although it it not specifically mentioned, I chose to simmer the almond milk and rice flour in order to aid thickening and cook the flour. One might consider using the violet colored water left after boiling the petals to use making the almond milk. This dish has the consistency of thick oatmeal, and is pleasantly sweet. The saffron, as well as changing the color from lavender to pale yellow-green, adds a saffron taste which covers up the delicate violet taste it originally has. (Oh well, that's what the primary source says to do, and we've got to take them at their word.) Using strained almond milk or cow milk will give it a smoother texture, but might require more rice flour to thicken it. Violet Cooler- About 2 tablespoons violet syrup to 1 glass of water or soda. You can alter this to taste or desired color. Violet Syrup- Fill and glass mason jar with violet blossoms, cover with boiling water, put on a lid, and let them infuse for 24 hours. Strain the blue infusion, squeezing the violets hard to release all the blue color. Discard the used violets. To each cup of violet extract add the juice of 1/2 lemon and 2 cups sugar. Bring to boil, pour into sterilized jars and seal.