The Cottage Special Fairie Issue


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Fairy Recipes

Fairy's love cake and punch, but just not any cake and punch. I have
included recipes for Fairy Cake, Fairy frosting and Fairy punch.

Fairy Cakes

3 large eggs at room temperature
5 Tbls. milk
1 cup flour
1/4 tsp salt
1 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp baking powder

Beat eggs until thick and fluffy. Gradually add sugar. Beat well after each
addition. Beat in milk and vanilla. Mix tgether flou, baking powder and
salt. Add to egg mixture and beat until smooth. Spread in greased and
floured jellyroll pan 12 1/2"x10 1/2 ". Bake at 375 F for 12-15 minutes.
When cool, cut into circles with a tiny biscuit cutter or into small squares
and decorate.


1 stick of butter at room temperature
1/2 - 3/4 cup of powdered sugar
3/4 tsp strawberry extract or vanilla
Little milk or cream
Food coloring (optional)

Mix butter and sugar together, add extract and cream to give frosting good
texture. Separeate in four different bowls and add one drop of blue to first
bowl; one drop of red to sescond bowl; one drop of green to third bowl; and
one drop of yellow to fourth bowl. Fill four pastry bagds (with different
tips on each) with one color in each bag. Decorate each little cake with
leaves and flowers. Have fun!

Fairy Punch

This recipe should be blended from the sweet drops of spring rain and early
morning dew, flavorede with the nectar of primroses and violets. However, we
have found it difficult to make enough to serve all the thirsty mortals who
wished to drink, so we headed for the grocery store and created the following:

2 or 3 1.5 liters of raspberry ginger ale
1/2 pt of fresh strawberries
Fresh woodruff leaves and flowers, heartsease flowers, mint sprigs violets
and violet leaves
(All leaves and flowers must be free of pesticides. Fresh and clean.)

Chill the ginger ale and pour into the most beautiful glass container you can
find. Slice the stawberries into the gingerale. Decorate with an ice ring
filled with frozen strawberries, heartsease and violet flowers with sprigs of
green woodruff and thyme. Sprinkle more heartsease, violets, and woodruff
sprigs on the surface of the punch. Siip and dream.

If you are entertaining adult guests at your home for May or a Fairy party,
the following recipe is best and closer to a true fairy punch.

May Bowl

2 1.5 liter bottles of American Rhine wine
1/2 cup of fresh sweet woodruff leaves per bottle
1 pint brandy
1 pint strawberries

Open each bottle and add 1/2 cup woodruff leaves to each along with 4-5
sliced strawberries. Close bottles and allow to steep for a 3-7 days. On
the day of the party, chill for several hours. Strain into a glass punch
bowl or container and add 1 pint of brandy to the bowl. Decorate with a
beautiful floral ice ring and float whole strawberries, violets, heartsease
flowers and sprigs of woodruff and woodruff flowers on the surface or the
wine. Serve in glass punch cups with a bit of strawberry and flower in each.

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