The Cottage Our Hompage with links to all of our issues The Cottage April/Beltane Issue 2001 Beltane crafts, recipes, ritual,Monthly stone- Amber, Monthly herb- Violet, Sabbat lore, Tea Gardens The Cottage May/ Midsmmer Issue 2001 Midsummer/Litha recipes, crafts, moongardening, lavender, emeralds, Aphrodite, ritual, Moon magic, Dyad Moon
The Cottage June 2001 Issue Self Initiation Ritual, Harvesting and Preserving Herbs,Making Ritual Cordials, Mead Moon, Lemon Balm, Summer Crafts The Cottage July/Lammas Issue 2001 Lammas crafts, Lammas Recipes, Roses, Lammas Ritual, Moonstone, Demeter, Composting, Barley moon The Crones Cottage Our store featuring candles, insence, herbs, readings, spellkits, Ritual kits, and more [ Sign my Guestbook] - [Read my Guestbook ] [Guestbook by TheGuestBook.com] |